Friday, 5 October 2012

The Real Housewives of Miami: She Beat Me to the Tweet!

The Real Housewives of Miami gossip, back
stab, and cry "She Beat me to the Tweet!"
We recap all of the "nice nasties" in our THG
+/- review.
I have one thought when I watch this show.
Miami is gorgeous. Unfortunately, I can't say
the same about the women, at least not after
you spend some time with them.
After last week's debacle at Mynt, Romain and
Joanna need to talk. He's fed up, with
reason. When Joanna plays it off like it was
only because she was drunk, Romain shoots
back "Maybe you're drunk every day."
Minus 12. That's a big problem.
He asked her not to drink so much and cause
any drama on his special night. So much for
that. He needs more than an apology. He
needs to know she'll change.
Minus 10. Don't hold your breath, Pal.
Then in another twist, Joanna says she got a
call at 4am from a staff member at Mynt.
They said Romain was their making out with a
So if Joanna thought this was real, why not
get out of bed and head down to the club?
Was she too tired, or too hungover to care? Of
course the one thing she must do is tell her
sister. Minus 8.
I know she has to tell someone but her sister
already hates Romain. No good can come of
Minus 11. Marta has to spread the word to
the other ladies. There's a surprise. She says
if it's true she'll cut his balls off. That might
carry more weight if she weren't leeching off
of him and her sister. It's past time for Marta
to move out and get her own place.
Across town Adriana is being photographed
by a famous photographer for an art show.
Plus 10. Sounds like fun. The twist is that
he wants shots of her topless.
At first Adriana is completely against it. Then
she waffles. Minus 7. One minute she's
incredibly uncomfortable and the next she's
taking her shirt off. That didn't take much
In the end, plus 14. She's a beautiful woman
and the photos looked great…at least what
we could see in the fuzzy televised versions.
And a plus 11 to Frederic who in one of the
funnier moves of the night whipped out his
iPhone to make sure he got some shots for his
private collection.
The photos are great but the art show is
weird. Not necessarily the art itself but the
Minus 15 to Lea. She's such a b*tch! Who
views a friend's portrait and asks how much
airbrushing they did? Or how about when
she sees that someone bought the photo and
accuses Adriana of being the buyer.
Even if she was kidding it was pretty lame but
apparently Adriana doesn't see it that way.
She give Lea a pass on all of it but happily
bashes Karent for much lesser offenses.
Minus 9 because Adriana's downright cruel
about it as she mimic Karent in front of their
And I'd happily hand out extra points if
someone could stop her from screeching "She
Beat me to the Tweet!" Really. She tweeted
before you could. Oh, the horror.
Maybe she learned the art of back biting from
good friend Lea who drags James, aka Elaine
to the event with the intention of bashing
Marysol some more in public. Plus 12 to Ana
for trying to stand up for her friend.
Karent's taking it from all sides this week.
She's got Lea and Adriana tearing her down
and her mother telling her she hates Rodolfo.
Unfortunately I've got to side with Mom on
this one. If Karent's looking to get married, I
don't believe the problems is that the timing
isn't right. I think the guy isn't right.
Lisa and Lenny have real problems. They've
been trying to have a baby for three years to
no avail. Add on three miscarriages and
they're feeling the strain.
Plus 15 to Lisa who seems to be one of the
few people bothered by all of the gossip and
back stabbing going on by these women.
Everyone else just enjoys the drama.
The ladies all show up for Gay Christmas…or
Winterfest and Lea's still making snarky
comments about Karent. Minus 10. That
seems to be her gift. Well, that and marrying
Joanna dancing is the main attraction but
they don't really show it. Just odd cuts of her
in different poses. Minus 8. Was she that
And I wouldn't bash Ana for having a stylist…
what Housewife doesn't need one…but what
is she paying her for? That purple dress
looked like it came off the rack at Target.
Minus 7.
Nothing against Target but these women
pride themselves on their designer collections
and that was one boring, frumpy looking
There was no sobbing this week, or drunken
binges but we did get lots of back stabbing
and some nudity so in the end it all evens

1 comment:

bunmie said...

very funny

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